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Carolyn Stypka's Events

  • 19 ago 2023, 10:00 – 12:00
    Beverly Therapists, 10725 S Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60643, USA
    This two-hour workshop from Carolyn Stypka, LCSW, practices body and mind stretching through yoga asana, breathing through yogic styles of pranayama, meditation, and incorporating the outside/natural world around as a guide.
  • 10 oct 2021, 14:00 – 16:00
    Beverly Therapists, 10725 S Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60643, USA
    Please join us in co-creating a safe space to creatively express and share feelings and experiences related to the pandemic through art and writing.
  • 08 may 2021, 15:00 – 17:00
    Zoom Meeting
    Becoming more comfortable and aware of your body can allow both your body and mind to be more in sync, as well more relaxed. Stretching and breathing intentionally are methods of combating stress and inviting your parasympathetic nervous system to take the wheel. Doing this is Sending Yourself Love!
  • 12 dic 2020, 15:00
    Zoom Meeting
    This workshop will teach about the stress response, and the benefits of intentionally inviting relaxation and calmness. Participants will be lead in practicing relaxation activities using stretching, movement, breath, and affirmations.
10725 S. Western Ave.
Chicago, IL 60643

“Beverly Therapists" and "" represents a group of independent therapists sharing infrastructure and supporting each other and the community in collaborative efforts. Each therapist represented through is licensed to provide mental health services and has their own independent private practice. Please contact any of the professionals through to learn more about his/her business practices and to schedule an appointment.

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