Jul 19, 2019How to Stay Sane in an Insane SystemMany of us have worked in big bureaucracies or other systems in which Rule #1 seems to be “nothing makes sense.” We can spend much of our...
Apr 30, 2019My Case for Changing Mother’s Day to Mothering DayBeing a mother myself, I know first-hand the laborious journey of all that motherhood entails. I have experienced such tremendous joys,...
Sep 3, 2018Solidarity 101: Allyship Across Identities!“It’s hard. It’s uncomfortable. I never know what to do or say.” I was sitting in a café talking with a friend. He had just shared an...
Feb 21, 2017I change my thoughts, I change my worldThe warmer temperatures we have been enjoying this month are a welcome reminder that spring is just around the corner. Spring is that...
Dec 28, 2016Let’s Talk About Finances…That statement alone can cause a multitude of emotions to surface. Our relationship with finances is one that can positively or...