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The Beverly Therapists Blog
Dec 26, 2018
How Building Resilience in Your Child Starts with You
I enjoy working with parents just as much as I do their children. Parents offer much knowledge about their child and their insights are...
Sep 3, 2018
Solidarity 101: Allyship Across Identities!
“It’s hard. It’s uncomfortable. I never know what to do or say.” I was sitting in a café talking with a friend. He had just shared an...
May 6, 2018
Spring Rebirth
April is a time when we look for the signs of spring. We know that the dead overgrowth of winter will yield to new life. Our lives can...
Feb 25, 2018
Chasing Zzzz’s
Legend says that when you can’t sleep at night, it is because you are awake in someone else’s dreams. Although that is a charming tale,...
Dec 11, 2017
Reflections from a Neighborhood Therapist
“Ask me permission before you ask me a question,” the teenager shared. I quietly paused, to think about what this youth was telling me....
Sep 21, 2017
The Importance of Affirmations
This morning, I rolled out of bed reminding myself of my new self-care routine. But first, I had to clear a few mental road blocks: don’t...
Jun 29, 2017
The Importance of Celebrating LGBTQ Pride
With more gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people living openly over the last decade, one might think that Pride is outdated and no...
Mar 23, 2017
Who You Gonna Call…When You Are a First Reponder?
Not too long ago, my kids were watching the Angry Birds movie, for what seemed to be the millionth time in the week, when I heard my...
Feb 21, 2017
I change my thoughts, I change my world
The warmer temperatures we have been enjoying this month are a welcome reminder that spring is just around the corner. Spring is that...
Jan 22, 2017
Mindfulness: Our Own Seven Second Delay
How many times have you said something out loud and later thought “I shouldn’t have said that?” People have lost jobs, relationships and...
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